Increase Your Income - The Truth About Prosperity And The 10 Step Wealth Formula
What if I told you there was an actual formula for WEALTH and that I am going to share it with you.
It begins with the Word of the Living God…
Deuteronomy 28:53, “It pleases the Lord to make you prosper”.
Deuteronomy 29:29, “Follow my commandments so that you may prosper in EVERYTHING you do”.
Proverbs 11:25, “A generous man will prosper”.
Proverbs 28:25, “He who trusts in the Lord will prosper”.
Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Job 22:21, “Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way, prosperity will come to you”.
Do you know there’s more scriptures supporting WEALTH and MONEY than there are talking against it?
The Formula For Wealth:
1. Don’t love money more than you love God. If you worry about money that means money is an idol to you.
In Matthew 5 or 6, it says, “Do not worry about what you will eat or what you will wear because your God in Heaven already knows what you need”. The enemy wants you to worry about finances to drive you away from God because he knows that if you ACTUALLY follow Him, love Him, and serve Him, God will prosper you and make you great!
2. Work with a spirit of excellence as unto Him. In Colossians it says, “Work with all your might unto Him”.
God is your boss. God sees your diligence, the extra hours, the motivation, and the heart that you’re pouring into your job and HE WILL bless the fruit of your hands.
Money comes from God!
3. KNOW that the money He is blessing you with is for a MUCH BIGGER PURPOSE than just YOUR stuff.
4. KNOW that it’s God’s money not yours. Money comes from GOD. He wants to multiply that money but when you don’t honor Him or you’re stingy with it He will not bless you with MORE. He’s not going to give you MORE so that you wind up destroying your life.
He loves you but you need to know there’s a difference between SPENDING and INVESTING. Which of these are wise spending and which are foolish spending?
- Another pair of black shoes, wise or foolish? Foolish!
- Another toy for the garage because it’s on sale? FOOLISH!
- Going into debt to buy a car. Foolish!
- Getting special training to grow your business so that you can become more efficient and more profitable, wise or foolish? WISE!!
- Giving to God. Wise!
5. Be generous. God wants to bless you with MORE but He won’t unless you GIVE. That money in your hand is ONLY a test to see what you’re going to do with it. Can you be TRUSTED with MORE?
As long as my husband and I have been giving 10 percent we have never needed for anything! Even in my worst years financially, we have earned a six figure income. God honors His word.
6. Give into the right soil. This is absolutely enormous! When I learned this, my head just about exploded.
In the Bible, it talks about the parable of the sower and the four different types of soil that a farmer will sow into.
- The rocky soil. If you sow seed on rocky soil it sprouts quickly because it does not have a root system. But then it gets scorched by the sun.
- The hard soil. If you sow seed on hard soil the birds of the air come in and steal it away.
- The thorny soil. If you sow into this soil it actually roots but as it pops up, it gets choked out by the worries of life.
- Finally, the only soil that you want to plant your seed into, fertile soil. In the fertile ground there is a return of 30, 60 and 100 fold. So how do you know where the ground is fertile? You have to look at the fruit. If you want your money to return back to you 100 fold, you have to sow it into fertile ground.
7. Realize that there is a time of PLENTY and a preparation for a time of FAMINE. There are those who have figured out and strategically placed themselves because they were faithful during the PLENTY so they actually BUILT WEALTH during the FAMINE.
That is absolutely scriptural.
Are you in a season of plenty? That season of plenty is not for you to eat all your seed. That season of plenty is for preparation so that you may still prosper when other people are failing all around you financially.
Are you in a season of famine? If you’re in a season of famine and you are prospering where you’re planted and you can be trusted with what you have, you will GAIN MORE. That’s how the Financial Kingdom works!
8. You have to prosper where you’re planted. Do you have dreams and visions of where you want to go and what you want to do? Do you get frustrated because it hasn’t happened yet? Your frustration is a plan from the enemy to get your focus on what you don't have INSTEAD of focusing on making yourself prosper right where you are.
Joseph in the Bible had a gift to interpret dreams. He used that gift in prison and that’s what got him promoted to the top over night. He prospered where he was planted.
Ecclesiasties says, “Whatever your hands can find, do it with all your might”.
9. ASK and ask BIG. God is not a small God. It says that His arms are NOT short and His ears are NOT deaf. The Bible clearly says that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has in store for those who love Him.
THINK BIGGER than what you’re thinking. Ask for help. The Bible says if you need wisdom, ask for it. If there’s something you don’t know how to do, ASK and He’ll show you.
10. Understand that it is okay to fail. There are ups and there are downs.
In the down time, don’t worry. Don’t fret. Just know that He loves you and He will prosper you. There are times you’re going to make mistakes and it’s okay!Because His GRACE FAR EXCEEDS the Heavens. His grace is ENORMOUS!
I’ve painted a picture for you of a Financial Kingdom. A Kingdom that spreads far and wide but the head of that Kingdom is God. Will you not submit to Him that He may bless you, that He may prosper you?
I KNOW THIS… my husband and I have been BLESSED since we’ve committed our business to HIM! Do you know that the business you’re in is NOT yours? It’s GOD'S and it’s for a PURPOSE! He wants to see His people be set free from financial bondage. Are you tired of financial bondage? Do you want to be free from it?
Then you have to commit your ways to Him...
Like what you just read? This is just a fraction of the spiritual equipping available for you in Dani’s NEW book Spirit Driven Success™.
Click Here to get your copy now and we will include a FREE CD of Dani’s live session “Conquering the Financial Kingdom™”:
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